Vedic Meditation is a very simple and natural eyes closed technique which is practised for about twenty minutes, morning and evening. Sitting easily and comfortably in a chair you are shown how to effortlessly take the mind beyond thinking.
The practice of Vedic Meditation refreshes and energises the whole physiological system and gives one the ability to meet the demands of daily life in a more appropriate manner.
Registering for a Free Intro Talk is the 1st step in learning Vedic Meditation.
“The sun is everywhere,
it depends on the quality of the reflector
how it shines.”
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

I learned Vedic Meditation with Billy some months ago, what a beautiful experience and a great teacher he is. As an experienced yogi for 30 years this is my first successful meditation experience. I never miss my 20 minutes twice a day. I can now say that I feel awake, aware, and more relaxed. After a recent serious family health scare it was my meditation practice that kept me calm and feeling safe.